Wart and mole removal

Moles are the usual growths on skin that are actually excess melanin deposition at a particular site. A wart is a skin growth caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).
Moles are common to people. Moles are not a cause for concern unless they develop certain signs like: Itching / Increase in size / Change of colour. Whereas warts are an entirely different issue of concern, as they are contagious.

Wart and mole removal

Moles are removed for cosmetic or medical reasons. If you are worried about a raised, itchy mole, which may have suddenly increased in size or changed colour, please feel free to consult Skino Logixs to find effective aid.
If the mole is found to be cancerous, the dermatologist will cut out the entire mole from the biopsy site along with a rim of the normal skin too and stitch the wound close.
Following are the usual methods for mole removal:
Cutting / Excision: This method involves cutting the moles along with a small portion of the surrounding skin. Before cutting out, the area is treated with a local anaesthetic so that the patient feels no discomfort. Some moles might have cells which have grown into the deeper layers of the skin. In such cases, a few stitches close to the skin might be required which can leave a scar. However, this scar gradually fades away over time.
Shave removal: Some skin moles are on the surface and can be scaled off or shaved with the help of a scalpel. The area is numbed with a local anaesthetic before the procedure and a pinkish rub mark remains after the procedure. This mark however fades off gradually.
Freezing: A relatively simple outpatient procedure, it is suited for surficial non-cancerous moles only.. A small blister may remain after the procedure which wears off gradually.
Laser Removal: Smaller, non-cancerous moles above the surface of the skin could be removed with a laser treatment. This treatment uses intense bursts of light radiation to break down the mole cells in the skin. This method usually takes two or three treatments to remove the mole completely.
In most cases, warts found on the skin are harmless and can disappear without treatment. Sometimes warts recur after treatment, therefore more than one type of treatment might be necessary. Most frequently used treatment procedure is the surgery.
Minor Surgery- When warts cannot be removed by other therapies, surgery may be used to cut away the wart. The base of the wart will be destroyed using an electric needle. For more detailed overview on wart removal procedure consult our Skino Logixs expert as the procedures are uncommon to different warts.